New license to the software for noise modeling
This year our company has purchased a new license to the software for noise modeling. After ten years of using the program Lima, we launched the latest version of Predictor ™ - Lima ™ Software Suite Type 7810-B version 11 ((Brüel & Kjær - Stapelfeldt Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH). The Predictor – LimA software suite is the complete solution for all environmental noise projects. Noise calculations for industry, roads, railways, aircraft and wind turbines are all supported. The suite bundles the intuitive Predictor software and flexible LimA system in one powerful, integrated state-ofthe-art package that provides the best solution for whichever project you have, from small-scale industrial situations to large-scale city noise mapping.
The new version includes support of new standards and methods (ISO 17534, CNOSSOS-EU, NFS 31-133, RLS-16), full support of Windows 10, improved 3D visualization, easier managing of extremely large projects and other.
Our noise studies will continue to be processed at the highest possible quality with the help of modern software.