Award of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TAČR)
On the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, the Innovation Gala Evening was held on Thursday, 7 November 2024 at the National Museum to award the most significant applied research projects for 2023 in the categories of Partnership, Governance, Society and Business.
In the category of Governance, the winner was the project „Methodology and development of standards for the creation and periodic updating of regional raw material concepts, model solution for two selected regions“, which was carried out by a consortium consisting of the state-funded organization Czech Geological Survey (ČGS) and the G E T s.r.o. company.
The project resulted in a universally applicable methodology and standardised procedures for the development of regional raw material concepts in accordance with the conclusions of the state raw material policy and other sectoral policies. Within the project, the newly developed methodology has been tested in the Karlovy Vary and Central Bohemia regions together with the territory of the capital city Prague.
The award was received on behalf of ČGS by Ing. Josef Godány (Project Manager) and RNDr. Petr Hanzlík, Ph.D. (Deputy Project Manager) for G E T s.r.o.
Information on the web of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Information on the web of the Czech Geological Survey